
A 30-something recovering workaholic looking to find her interests – purpose and joy from life outside of work. One of those interests seeking a path towards financial freedom. Ms Finding, blog author

In December 2019, I hit burnout again and decided enough was enough.

2020 brought about an identity crisis – who am I if I’m not a workaholic? How can I find happiness and fulfilment in my whole life so that I don’t have to quit my job every time I get bored? What do I even like doing? I’m still working on answering those questions.


One thing I’ve enjoyed in the last three years is personal finance – saving money, starting to invest and working on an abundant mindset.

When it comes to money, I’m fairly frugal and I’ve always managed to save some money and put it in a savings account, changing providers every couple of years in search of the best interest rates. But interest rates have dwindled and dwindled. In 2021 when I got an email that my interest rates were dropping from 1% to 0.5% I’d finally had enough. I’d wanted to learn how to invest for some time but it seemed overwhelming – where and how to start?

After a couple of months of research, which was a lot more complicated because I often live and work abroad, I invested in my first ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds). After crunching some numbers, I’m now on a mission to save enough money that I’ll be able to fund retirement one day and that might even be before I’m 67…

At the same time, I’m trying to figure out what I enjoy in life and how to do more of that before I eventually retire. I’m not looking to sell my soul for 10 or 20 years in order to retire early.

The blog name has a double meaning – it could refer to finding the best interest rates (or deciding to invest instead) and finding a more balanced approach to life with varied interests and fulfilment.